• Acción CAF Paraguay 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2019-07-08)
      En Paraguay, CAF es un aliado estratégico y por medio de la implementación de una agenda integral, promovemos el desarrollo del país a través de créditos, asistencia técnica y generación de conocimiento. En los últimos ...
    • Agua y saneamiento en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia 

      Mejía, Abel; Uzcátegui, Germán; Valverde, Osvaldo (CAF; Caracas, 2017-08-15)
      Este informe expone un conjunto de asuntos específicos del sector de APyS en Bolivia con el propósito de ayudar a identificar las barreras más importantes que impiden desarrollar el sector y ofrecer, al mismo tiempo, ...
    • Análisis de inversiones aeroportuarias en América Latina y el Caribe al horizonte 2040 

      Farromeque Quiroz, Rafael (CAF; Caracas, 2018-02-12)
      Las Infraestructuras de Transporte y la Logística son elementos clave en la agenda de CAF. En este sentido, en los últimos años se han generado y difundido diversos informes técnicos en materia de logística y se está ...
    • Análisis de inversiones portuarias en América Latina y el Caribe al horizonte 2040 

      Arroyo, Fausto (CAF; Caracas, 2018-04-17)
      El presente documento sintetiza los trabajos desarrollados en el marco del programa regional denominado Análisis de Inversiones Portuarias y Aeroportuarias en América Latina y el Caribe 2040, continuidad del estudio América ...
    • Annual Report 2014 

      CAF (CAF; Bogotá, 2015-07-14)
      2014 was a year of change for Latin America’s economic conditions, in an environment of moderate global growth and a slowdown in emerging economies. Lower demand for commodities and the end of conditions of abundant and ...
    • Annual Report 2015 

      CAF (CAF; Bogotá, 2016-08-09)
      Faced with the loss of economic dynamism in Latin America in 2015, CAF took actions to step up its anti-cyclical role with fast-disbursing and contingent operations for USD 2.4 billion, having more than year. This level ...
    • Annual Report 2016 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2017-08-04)
      For Latin America, 2016 was a year marked by profound political and economic changes. In comparison with other areas ofthe emerging world, the region’s economic performance wasweaker. For the second consecutive year, the ...
    • Annual Report 2017 

      Autor desconocido (Caracas, 2018-09-10)
      In a context marked by important social, political and economic transformation throughout 2017, CAF operated as a true ally of development in Latin American countries, not only from a financial perspective but also as a ...
    • Annual Report 2018 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2019-07-08)
      2018 was a record year for CAF in terms of credit approvals for our member countries. We allocated a total of USD 13.7 billion to finance various initiatives in critical areas of regional development that will have a ...
    • Annual Report CAF 2019 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-21)
      In 2019 CAF’s actions have focused on supporting countries’ efforts to improve their productive and social infrastructure, as well as institutions for better attention to citizens and more transparent and efficient public ...
    • Annual Report CAF 2020 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2021-07-16)
      In this complex year, marked by COVID-19, CAF was up to the task and honored the anti-cyclical role we have as one of the most relevant multilateral banks in the region. We helped our member countries weather the storm ...
    • Beneficios de los Océanos: Biocomercio azul y los servicios ecosistémicos Latinoamericanos 

      Agardy, Tundi; Vignati, Federico; Gómez-García, René (CAF; Bogotá, 2017-03-08)
      A lo largo de América Latina, los ecosistemas marinos y costeros ofrecen valiosos recursos y oportunidades de inversión para el biocomercio. Las áreas de bosques de manglares, humedales costeros, estuarios, arrecifes de ...
    • CAF Annual Report 2022 

      CAF (Caracas, 2023-05)
      2022 was a key year for CAF’s consolidation process on its way to becoming the green bank and the reactivation bank for Latin America and the Caribbean. With total approvals of $14.1 billion, the institution consistently ...
    • Despliegue de IPv6 para el desarrollo socio económico en América Latina y el Caribe 

      de León, Omar (CAF, 2016-02-29)
      Este trabajo intenta brindar el más amplio conocimiento sobre todos los aspectos que inciden en la transición hacia IPv6 en la región de LACNIC.
    • El Niño en América Latina ¿cómo mitigar sus efectos en los sectores productivos? 

      CAF (CAF; Caracas, 2016-02-23)
      El conocimiento que hoy se tiene del fenómeno, en general, de las amenazas de origen hidroclimático incluidas las relacionadas con el cambio climático, ha permitido que algunos países de la región hayan mejorado su previsión ...
    • Estado de la Innovación Tecnológica en el Sector de Energía por Regiones - 2014 

      Atilano, Álvaro; Mercado, Jesús; Casanova, Helen (CAF; Caracas, 2014)
      El propósito del presente documento es presentar datos empíricos del estatus de la innovación tecnológica en el sector energético en la región, a través de uno de los indicadores de innovación tecnológica definidos por ...
    • Global Microscope 2014.The enabling environment for financial inclusion 

      EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) (FOMIN/BID; CAF; ACCION; Citi; Caracas, 2014)
      This publication assesses the regulatory environment for financial inclusion across 12 indicators and 55 countries. This year's Microscope has a new indicator framework that considers products and institutions beyond ...
    • Global Microscope on the Microfinance Business Environment 2011 

      EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) (FOMIN/BID; CAF; International Finance Corporation; Caracas, 2011)
      This report outlines the findings of The Economist Intelligence Unit's in-depth analysis of the microfinance business environment in 55 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be ...
    • Global microscope on the microfinance business environment 2012 

      EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) (FOMIN/BID; CAF; International Finance Corporation; Caracas, 2012)
      This report outlines the findings of The Economist Intelligence Unit's in-depth analysis of the microfinance business environment in 55 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be ...
    • Global microscope on the microfinance business environment 2013 

      EIU (Economist Intelligence Unit) (FOMIN/BID; CAF; ACCION; Citi; Caracas, 2013)
      This report outlines the findings of The Economist Intelligence Unit's in-depth analysis of the microfinance business environment in 55 countries. The index that underlies this report allows countries and regions to be ...