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Characterizing Fuel Choices and Fuelwood Use for Residential Heating and Cooking in Urban Areas of Central-Southern Chile: the Role of Prices, Income, and the Availability of Energy Sources and Technology
(CAF; Caracas, 2017-04-24)This paper analyzes empirically the determinants of fuel choices and intensity of fuelwood use for residential heating and cooking in central-southern Chile. By using information from a sample of 2,761 households in nine ... -
Clean Energy Innovation in Latin America
(Interamerican Dialogue; CAF; Washington D.C., 2016-03-01)Clean energy research and commercialization have taken off over the last decade. The annual number of clean technology patent documents more than tripled between 2000 and 2014,while venture capital (VC) investment in the ... -
Conflicting Incentives: Government Financial Aid, Vocational-to-University Track Change and Graduates’ Wages in Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-10-16)Although literature on education economic returns is not un- common, research focusing in vocational students is quite scarce. This paper addresses labor market outcomes of vocational high schools’ students and their ... -
¿Cómo promover la productividad en y desde el Estado? El caso de la Comisión Nacional de Productividad de Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-02-10)La baja productividad es uno de los principales problemas que han padecido las economías de América Latina durante décadas. Para abordar este problema, Chile creó en 2015 la Comisión Nacional de Productividad (CNP) con un ... -
Credit Constraints for Higher Education
(CAF; Caracas, 2011)This paper addresses the importance of credit constraints explaining the gap on college enrollment between students coming from rich and poor families. Measuring the effect of credit constraints on college enrollment is ... -
Diferencias en la calidad de la educación e ineficiencia: un análisis basado en el método de frontera estocástica.
(CAF; Caracas, 2012)En este trabajo se emplea información acerca del desempeño escolar a nivel de establecimiento educativo para Chile y Perú con el objeto de estudiar la eficiencia en la provisión de servicios educación en la dimensión de ... -
Early Impacts of College Aid
(CAF, 2015-07-28)We analyze the impact of an expansion in government-guaranteed credit for higher education in Chile on a sample of elementary and high school students. Using students who had an alternative source of funding as a control ... -
The Effect of Schooling on Skills and Knowledge in Latin America. Evidence from PISA
(CAF, 2015-09-30)In this paper we estimate the causal effect of an extra year of schooling on mathematics skills and knowledge for the eight Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay) ... -
Eficiencia energética en Chile: Identificación de oportunidades
(CAF; Caracas, 2016-05-16)América Latina ha comenzado lentamente la integración de políticas asociadas con el uso eficiente de la energía y la integración de los programas de eficiencia energética (EE) desde el lado de la demanda (residencial, ... -
Envejecimiento y cuidados: principales características para cinco países de América Latina
(CAF; Caracas, 2022-03-08)En este trabajo analizamos las características de los adultos mayores en situación de dependencia, las estrategias de cuidados y el perfil de las personas cuidadoras, para cinco países de América Latina: Chile, Colombia, ... -
Financial Frictions, Trade, and Misallocation
(CAF; Buenos Aires, 2017-10-07)We investigate the extent to which financial frictions shape the aggregate effects of a trade liberalization through their impact on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP) and capital misallocation. We study a small ... -
Financiamiento climático a través de fondos verdes
(Caracas, 2021-11-05)CAF se encuentra acreditada ante los principales Fondos Verdes para el financiamiento, apoyando así a sus países miembros en la implementación de proyectos e iniciativas que contribuyen al cumplimiento de sus compromisos ... -
Gender Gaps in Labor Informality: The Motherhood Effect
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-12-15)We estimate the short- and long-run labor market impacts of parenthood in a developing country, Chile, based on an eventstudy approach around the birth of the first child. We assess mechanisms behind these effects based ... -
GovTech y el futuro del gobierno: las promesas de GovTech para Iberoamérica
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-03-11)Las GovTech presentan importantes ventajas para la transformación digital del sector público en Iberoamérica. Además permiten desarrollar un nuevo sector económico altamente especializado y de valor agregado. Como región, ... -
Heterogeneous effects of automation: How are young workers affected by a changing labor market?
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-08-18)We study the effect of automation on labor market outcomes with a focus on young workers and the case of Chile. We develop an index of routine task content of each occupation and follow two approaches. First we study the ... -
Innovación en energía limpia en América Latina
(Diálogo Interamericano; CAF; Washington D.C., 2016-03-01)La investigación y comercialización de energías limpias se ha incrementado rápidamente durante la última década. La cantidad anual de patentes en tecnología limpia se ha más que triplicado entre el 2000 y el 2014, mientras ... -
Integração das Fontes Renováveis Intermitentes na América Latina: Brasil, Chile e Uruguai
(CAF; Caracas, 2017)Em vários países, a política energética é crescentemente conduzida para incrementar a participação de fontes renováveis de energia na geração de eletricidade, em função da necessidade de aumentar a segurança do abastecimento, ... -
Life expectancy at retirement and income levels in Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2020-06-15)We document that life expectancies at the age of retirement differ significantly by income levels and gender in Chile. Using a sample of over 500 thousand workers that retired under the annuity system, we find that, ... -
More to Live for: Health Investment Responses to Expected Retirement Wealth in Chile
(CAF; Caracas, 2019-12-18)A poorly understood but important way that economic conditions influence health is through the incentives that they create for health investments. In this paper, we study how individuals’ current health investments respond ... -
Motherhood and flexible jobs: Evidence from Latin American countries
(CAF; Caracas, 2021-03-05)We study the causal effect of motherhood on labour market outcomes in Latin America by adopting an event study approach around the birth of the first child based on panel data from national household surveys for Chile, ...