Indicators of Technological Innovation in Latin American and Caribbean Countries (summary document) - 2015
CAF’s initiative intends to establish a regional platform for the generation of patentable technological concepts through international patent applications from Latin America and the Caribbean with the purpose of contributing to increase the exports of high technology from the region. In the framework of CAF’s Technological Patents for Development Regional Initiative, the Institution is pleased to present the document 2015 Technological Innovation Indicators by Regions. This document compiles the main data and indicators that will be used throughout the implementation of the initiative, which will be presented in full in the publications 2015 Indicators of Technological Innovation in the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and 2015 Indicators of technological Indicators by Regions. The methodology used to define the indicators is accepted and used internationally.
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2015Citar de esta publicación
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Atilano, ÁlvaroMercado, Jesús
Casanova, Helen
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