Water Strategy 2019-2022
The strategic objectives set out in this document are interrelated and they guide CAF's growing support in resilient water infrastructure, with an unwavering commitment to the countries of the region to improve their institutionality and capacity for planning, executing and managing water services , sanitation and irrigation, while being better prepared to face and reduce the increasing risks of droughts and floods, under the framework of integrated water resources management. CAF's 2019-2022 Water Strategy is not static. On the contrary, it should be understood as a dynamic proposal that will be nurtured by dialogue with the different regional actors, as well as from the reflections that result from the international sectoral debate, an area in which CAF is increasingly present.
País / Región
2020-05-15Cite esta publicação
Item que pertence à coleção
Rojas, FranzPeñaherrera, Fernando
Orellana, Carlos
Castañeda, Helena
Armijos, Leonardo
Burbano, Luis
Morales, Antonio
Rodrigues, Paulo
Real, Carlota
Rispo, Andrea
Valverde, Osvaldo
Alonso, Agustín
Bianchi, Fabiana
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