The Effect of the Kangaroo Mother Care Program (KMC) on Wages: A structural Model
In this paper we analyze the relationship between skills and some outcomes later in life for a population of premature children. Pretreatment skills and characteristics are good predictors of childhood and adulthood skills and outcomes. Income per capita and parents education at birth are positively correlated with home environment at 6 and 12 months of corrected age. Moreover, parents education and the proportion of workers at home are correlated with the number of preschool years attended by children. Interestingly, health indicators taken during the first year of life are critical factors for decision to enroll into a university, to obtain better results in math scores and earn larger wages.
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2016-04-14Cite this publication
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Cortés, DarwinAttanassio, Orazio
Gallego, Juan
Maldonado, Darío
Rodríguez, Paul
Charpak, Nathalie
Tessier, Rejean
Ruiz, Juan Gabriel
Hernández, Tiberio
Uriza, Felipe
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